HOE: I selected and stitched a Lizzie Kate ornament for the next round of the Christmas ornament exchange ... still have to assemble it. I haven't decided whether I'll finish it as a flat ornament, a pillow ornament or something a bit more sculptured. And then, I started a second Lizzie Kate ornament. Since both ornaments were complimentary charts, I have dressed them up a wee bit: adding a bit of back-stitched definition to the first to make the design pop a bit against the neutral fabric and stitching the second entirely in Mill House Petite antique seed beads. I haven't decided yet which I will use for the exchange. I'll be seeing some stitching friends in a few days, I'll ask their opinions.
2010 WIP: nothing this week ... I was too involved with my Town Square projects and my reading.
Sewing/Assembly Finishes: I haven't finished sewing te second tote using my stash of decorator upholstery fabric ... sewing machine issues. I broke a needle on the last one and I believe a piece is still stuck in the innards of the bobbin assembly. When I have a moment, I'll have to disembowel the machine and clean it up a bit. This tote is intended as a project bag for one of my younger sisters who knits. I'll arrange with my niece, who does the selecting, to be that sister's Secret Santa in the family Christmas gift exchange. Add a couple of skeins of quality wool and the right size knitting needles and I'll have a primo Christmas gift.
I have pretty much stalled in my stitching this past week, not accomplishing nearly as much as I normally do. I ashamed to admit that the reason for this is that our TV decided to give up the ghost. I never realized how much stitching I do while watching DVDs in the evening ... or how much DVD watching I do, for that matter. I have spent much more time reading this past week ... not a bad thing to be sure ... but not an activity particularly compatible with stitching. I won't have any time to shop for a new TV until next weekend ... I rather hope I can iron out the difference in expectations between my husband and I in that week ... I want to go with something smaller that we can set on a cart and roll into a closet when not in use [to make a bit more room in our rather small living room already over-powered by some too large furniture] ... he wants a flat screen "a little bit larger" than the conventional TV we have now. This is the man who always thinks BIG so I am a bit nervous about his definition of "a little bit larger." I'd even be willing to compromise on a permanently placed TV always provided it and its stand are no wider than the bit of wallspace between the dining room and hallway and the whole assembly doesn't extend too deeply nto the living room.
As to that Town Square SAL. Six people signed up to participate and contribute to the SAL blog. But there has been no activity on the blog since Rita's post in February. I am hoping that by posting a succession of small finishes on the blog, I can re-generate some interest in the project. In fact, of the six contributors, only Rita and I seem to be doing any contributing. I guess everyone is busy with other stitching. A project like the Town Square really has to capture the imagination ... I am using my Town Square finishes for a themed Christmas Tree: Small Town, USA ... and hope to have a least 12 done by the time Christmas rolls around. I had though of doing a quilt but decided that would be too much work. The Christmas Tree seemed a much more workable plan.
I think the stitching goddess must be smiling down on me since she arranged that the "smalls" section of my Crazy January Challenge projects should hit the rotation at the same time as Tracery Dragons. At least, I'll have the immediate gratification of some quick, easy and visually appealling finishes to help me get past the initial ugly duckling stage of the BAP.
And I managed to squeeze in one sewing finish: a gift tote using a small free chart called Erin's Garden once available on a blog that, regrettably, no longer exists. And I am showing a photo of an
earlier gift tote finish now being put to good use: filled with books and sundresses for my 2 year old grand-daughter's 2nd birthday. It will be mailed to the West Coast Monday morning, even given the fact that it's going to an island, priority mail should get it their well in time for her birthday next week.
I am also going to start including some Photo Hunt pictures in my weekly wrap up posts, as I want to develop my "eye". Please don't expect any serious art. I have a digital point and shoot camera that I have taken to carrying about with me in my purse. I just want to get better at framing a shot, using available light and choosing my subjects ... and I thought this would be a good way to practice the necessary skills. For my first photo, I am going to ease into the process with an easy theme. The May 21st topic was Clutter. This is my desk and credenza. The theme for June 11 is Triangle. I have a few ideas for this theme. It remains to be seen whether I can translate my ideas into photographs.