This is both an enjoyable and a soothing stitch. The chart is not the least bit challenging, which works really well for me at present. Stress free is good after the past week's commotion. The colors are bright and cheerful and come from my preferred autumnal colorway. The Halloween theme is one of my favorites. There are lots of little discrete pieces to this chart so that there is a real feeling of accomplishment and gratification as each motif is stitched. It's nice to see such concrete evidence of progress. Added to all that, I am stitching the piece with Belle Soie silks which are a current favorite. My only quibble is that the chart is in four pieces: a necessary evil since it is a magazine chart. Standard magazine page size is rather unforgiving when it comes to lay out requirements. So there is a certain amount of flipping of pages going on ... a minor annoyance that I can live with, given all the other pluses. If that gets too annoying, I can always cut and paste a single photocopied working copy.
As you can probably tell from the photo, I am working around the fact that I ran out of Belle Soie Old Crow and am awaiting a shipment from 123stitch of that silk in addition to a number of cotton overdyes I need to kit up my next Christmas ornament and some DMC Perle 815. I placed the order on Monday and if Joann is her usual speedy self, I should have what I need tomorrow or Friday.
You are making good progress.
It looks wonderful so far, Riona! :D
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