Thursday, I took a sick day because I either had the flu or heatstroke. The symptoms were stomach and intestinal distress, light headedness, headache and nausea. So I pampered myself indoors with a/c, lots of decaffeinated beverages and ibuprofen. Didn't feel up to driving to work or concentrating on things like registrations and writing family catechesis programs once I got there. So I stayed home and I did only the simplest of activities, which included reading Catherine Coulter's new FBI thriller,
Power Play, and making some light meals. I wasn't feeling much better on Friday and repeated the pampering routine.
A highlight of Friday afternoon was the arrival of my package from 123 stitch. It contained an additional portable stitching lamp, some clip on magnifiers [1.5x and 3.0x] and the threads I need to kit up
The Dragon of the Summer Sky and
The Silversmith's Shop as well as one Caron Waterlily, Blue Lavendar, that I need for
The Dragon of the Winter Moon. I still need to order the charm for
The Silversmith's Shop but I'll be ordering that from a not so local needlework shop here in NY state.
I was feeling a bit better by Saturday and did get some stitching done..
I got quite a bit done on
The Dragon of the Winter Moon on Sunday. I learned something new from a blogging friend, D.B., who stitched some models for Jennifer Aiken-Smith of Dragon Dreams. All of the Dragon Dreams dragons are female. Just an interesting factoid I am passing on to you readers. I have to apologize to all the dragons I have stitched in the past and to whom I have referred as male. Yesterday, I received a skein of Marlitt white from Linda, so I will begin filling in the body of the dragon. Linda was one of three lovely stitching cyber friends who offered to give me a skein. Two other lovely ladies did a search for sources in Britain and Australia. The stitching community is a very generous one. There is always help to be found when needed.
And Monday morning, it was dry enough for me to get in an hour of stitching on the patio before heading to work. I used the time to work on
The English Band Sampler. I worked on Band 6 and finished up the sixth block of eyelets and satin stitches and then continued on to stitch the satin stitches on the remaining two blocks. Now all I have to do is stitch the eyelets on those last two blocks. We are expecting thunderstorms through Wednesday but I am hoping for another dry morning or two. Even with clip-on magnifiers, I need good strong daylight to work on this phase of Band 6.

As to gardening: my patio pots of chives, thyme, rosemary and basil are doing pretty well. I have already harvested my first cucumber and there are three more ready to harvest within the day or so. Some of the eggplant blossoms have set fruit, and the tomato plants have a fair amount of blossoms but haven't set fruit just yet. The pepper plants are not doing much of anything, which is a disappointment. One of my flower boxes is coming along nicely but for some reason all but one of my marigolds up and died on me. I will probably plant some peas for an early fall harvest on Thursday once the thunderstorms pass through and maybe a row or two of radishes, lettuce and carrots. I'd like to keep the salad stuff coming.

Here is a shot of some tomato plants guarded my my garden dragon you can also see the lone surviving marigold and a pot of small lavender flowers, whose name I forget at the moment. I picked them up at the nursery just because I thought they were pretty. I am afraid I am not one of those expert gardeners who remembers all the botanical nomenclature and can reel off name after name with the greatest of ease.
I am going to have to call in the landscapers again very soon. The trees above the retaining wall are blocking the sun. It's been three years now since I had them come in and cut away some of the lower branches. It would seem it is time to do so again.
In this shot you can just make out a very tiny eggplant to the left and to the right, my miniature basil is thriving.
In this shot, you can see that my patio pots of chives, thyme, and parsley are doing pretty well. To the right of the herbs are my mini-Christmas tree which has grown from one of those 12" potted trees tp it's present 2 1/2 feet and one of my tomato plants, a new variety to me, with a very un-tomato like leaf.