Sunday, August 3, 2008

PIF: Some Bamboo floss

I have just finished stitching an LHN complimentary chart called Small House Sampler [c2005] with some Rainbow Gallery Mandarin floss left over from another LHN chart I had done several years ago. I had forgotten how lovely this particular fiber really is ... and now I want to share it with others. It has the feel of a blend of silk and wool, a very soft "hand" and a lovely matte sheen as it lays on the fabric. The only caveat to remember is that, like silk, it must be stranded. Otherwise, it will snarl and tangle in the needle.

Another reason I like the idea of Mandarin is that bamboo, being a grass, is a very renewable resource and unlike silk or wool, no living beings suffer during its production. [My husband would interject here a comment about plants "screaming" during experiments he has read about but I am not going to get into that.]

So I am offering both the complimentary chart and one card of RG Mandarin to the person who posts the most fascinating comment about the most unusual fiber they have ever used in any textile art [cross-stitch, needlepoint, surface embroidery, crewel, knitting, crocheting, macrame, weaving, etc] and why they enjoyed using it. Expand my horizons, teach me something new, tweak my curiosity ... and I will send you one of you my current favorite fiber.


Rachel S-H said...

That is a very pretty finish!

I wish I had a comment to post about exciting fibers, but I think the most exotic I have stitched with was my own hair and that was an unpleasant accident, LOL.

Anna van Schurman said...

I don't know how unusual it is since you can buy it in most stores, but I love stitching with RG "very velvet". So soft. It makes me want to pet my finishes!