Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Brilliante Award

Eva & Erynne have bestowed upon me the Brilliante Blogger Award - thank you so much. It's so wonderful to receive a compliment like this, especially since I am not a particularly adept technocrat. I long to add visitor tracking, slide shows, music and all sorts of stuff to my blog but I have only just recently mastered adding photos. I feel as though I am way behind on the learning curve but I am doing my best. My only excuse is that, as a 50-nearly-60-something, I was born into the age of the fountain pen not the age of the computer.

The rules for receiving this award are:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Now, it is my turn to nominate 7 others whose blogging efforts have either inspired me, made me laugh, peaked my interest enough to return again & again, educated me or who have exhibited characteristics in keeping with a decent & kind human being. So many of you out there fill this bill! Many of the bloggers whose work I read regularly have already received this award. But here are a few more worthy entries, in no particular order:

Confessions of a Stitch Wraith
Julie's Stitching Studio
Bits of My Own
Stitching in Lobster Land
What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day
Stitching on the Edge
Arthemise's [Mostly] Stitching Blog

1 comment:

Erica said...

Thanks you so much Riona for nominating me for this blog award!
I don't know what I have done to deserve it, bit it is very much appreciated!
Right back at you!