Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Goals

It just occurred to me that, while I placed my January Goals in the sidebar, I never did actually write a blog post about them.

Class Project Challenge: Resume work on The Sweetheart Tree's Holly & Hearts class pieces.
2010/11 WIPs: Continue to work on Workbasket's Quaker Sampler and resume work on Teresa Wentzler's Tracery Dragons

I have decided that the time has come to accept the fact that I am definitely slowing down [part of the aging process, no doubt] and adjust my goals/expectations accordingly. This has the side benefit that, if I manage to exceed my stated goals, my already ridiculously healthy self-esteem will get a nice boost.


Rachel S-H said...

I think you have set some good goals for yourself here.

Kaisievic said...

ooh, Riona, I like the way you think. My husband always says" "underpromise and overdeliver, then you always look good".

Great goals.

Hugs, Kaye xoxox