Saturday, January 14, 2012

I really don't want to jinx things but ...

I am beginning to feel better. The cough lingers but I can breath again and my eyes pretty much feel like they are going to remain in their accustomed place on my face. So, better. Further proof that I am recovering: I picked up the Quaker Sampler last night and started stitching on goal again. Granted, the Quaker Sampler is the easiest piece in my current three project on-goal rotation but, easy or not, at least I am back on task. During the sad and sorry days when I wandered off-goal, hounded by fear of the frog, I did manage to complete the message portion of the Tooth Fairy Pillow and start on the border comprised of teeth and coins. The photo shows the message ... there's no point in trying to show the teeth since the white and ecru fade into the fabric. That'll change with the back-stitched outline. I'll get back to the piece sometime before Liam turns 6. That gives me two years. It's a "grandma" stitch, chosen solely for the pleasure it will give the grandchildren, and not for the pleasure of actually stitching it. I stopped stitching "cute" the moment my kids out grew it and plan to limit "cute" stitching during the early grandma years as well. I'll stitch simple, I'll stitch funky, I'll stitch whimsical for these little darlings ... Halloween Goody bags, Christmas gift bags, Christmas ornaments, bean bags ... all that and more. But this Tooth Fairy Pillow is decidedly "cute" ... indeed, the whole notion of a pillow for conveying baby teeth to the afore-mentioned fairy is just too "cute" for words. So, I'll will work on it at widely spaced intervals ... stitching on it when too sick to care about what I am stitching seems to be the perfect strategy.


CalamityJr said...

So glad you're starting to feel a bit more Human. This whatever-it-is certainly has been wide spread and mean to a lot of stitchers!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Get well! We all seem to have been struck down with colds lately.

I do quite like the saying on this!