Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The PLAN progresses

I have been keeping to the plan in the main: have done at least an hour's worth of stitching daily on the Crabby All Year SAL and approximately 1/2 to 1 hour of stitching on the project of the day most days. The only exception continues to be the Thursday sewing finishes ... I will really have to work on that this week. The SAL is progressing nicely: I have started on the March block ... it won't be long before I am able to move onto the second leaflet in the series. But I do need to start on the Halloween projects SAL: I have got the Miribilia Halloween Faerie all kitted up and on scroll bars ... just need to actually start the stitching. I realize most other stitchery bloggers are doing a guilt-free January: no goals and no plans ... but I intend this year to be the year I actually stitch most of those charts that I bought because I truly fell in love with them. I don't understand the stash for stash's sake mentality. Why buy something just to have it but not stitch it. So, I will be systematically working through the charts I have collected, both purchased and free downloads. I have stuffed an envelope for my Secret Sister on the 123stitch exchange and look forward to her reactions on the Yahoo group for the exchange. I have been browsing the 123 site for charts in her favorite theme but have not found anything that strikes me as quite right ... I'll have to spread my nets a little wider ... maybe Mystic Stitch will have some more interesting options. Since she is an "international" member of the exchange, I want to get something quite distinctively American for her ... something that wouldn't be readily available to her otherwise. Ah, well, I need to get ready for work now though I can barely keep my eyes open. I don't know why I am so exhausted lately ... please, dear Lord, don't let it be the the mononucleosis that is tearing a strip through the school district.

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