Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blogaversary Giveaway Winner

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the responses to the questions in my little blogaversary quiz.

And I'd like to affirm the comments made by more than a few participants: Yes, all my goal setting, tracking and assessing, as well as the statistics, are for my own benefit.  I was born a list maker I think.  Lists and statistics keep me motivated and moving forward.  Since my blog functions as a stitching journal as well as an attempt to connect with other stitchers, a certain number of posts each month will be pretty much "for me".  I shall try not to bore you with too many such posts in future.

I'll will also try to do a better job of consistently labeling my work by designer and chart name.

But back to the business at hand: the winner of the $10 123stitch gift certificate is Anna Van Shurman.  I will have 123stitch e-mail her gift certificate shortly.


CalamityJr said...

Congratulations to Anna. Just keep writing; I look forward to reading.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations Anna, enjoy spending your winnings :-)

Anna van Schurman said...

Yay! Thank you very much. I have to get ready for January stitching and this will come in handy. I appreciate it, and I think you should keep on keeping on. :-)

Anna van Schurman said...

Oh no, did I forget to say thank you? I can't see my last post. Thank you! Thank you!