Monday, April 29, 2013

Mystic Smalls

Again, no camera, so photos will have to wait till Wednesday.  Being the eternal optimist, when I packed for this retreat I filled my rolling overnight case with the minimum amount of comfortable clothing, the necessary medications and toiletries, my usual prayer book/aids, one book for serious  and one for light bedtime reading, and five different stitching projects.  They were Midnight Moogies [which had maybe an hour's worth of stitching left when it went into the stitching bag and was finished last night], the Mystic Smalls class project, one more La-D-Da cardinal ornament, a bookmark, and a name tree for my son Sean.  I packed the last three small projects are meant for discreet stitching while attending lectures and workshops.  I can listen perfectly well while stitching but some presenters are offended if you don't give them your full attention!  Only two books and five stitching projects!  What does that say about my priorities?

The current project is the Mystic Smalls.  I have to admit that I've skipped over this class set for the past two weeks.  The scissor case I had just "finished" had a serious miscount which requires frogging one of the stitching ladies and restitching her four threads/two stitches to the right.  I'll have to attend to that before I move forward on the needle book that I had started.  Maybe then, I'll be able to stick to my rotation schedule.  Even so, I haven't been too bad.  I have worked on at least three of the five pieces each and every week. The scissor case and the needle book will be my projects for today.  Tomorrow, I hope to start on the biscornu.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Hooray! You have finished Midnight Moogies. So glad for you. =)