Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Goals Assessment
Monday, December 27, 2010
Assessing December Goals, Setting January Goals
Bride's Tree SAL: Finish stitching the Quaker Angel I designed for November's ornament and stitch Workbasket's Quaker Santa for the December [and last] ornament. Santa is nearly done but the Angel needs some work.
UFO: Either my long neglected BAP or Medium Project would qualify as a UFO by now, so I'll just leave this category blank for this month.
BAP: TW's Autumn Faerie, no extravagant goals of finishing ... all I want to do is manage a few hours a week on this project. Never got around to this again this month.
Medium Project: Resume work on Victoria Sampler's Holly and Hearts Sampler. Again, no extravagant goals here, I just want to see steady discernible progress. No.
SURFACE EMBROIDERY: Continue work on Encrusted Crazy Quilt Block. No.
SEWING PROJECTS: Finish as many pieces as possible so as to begin the new year with substantially fewer finishes in the basket. This is where I really want to concentrate my efforts this month. Until I have a sewing room fixed up, my dining room is my sewing area ... and I need to reclaim it in time for the Christmas holidays. No, but I have a week off for Christmas recess so there's still some slight hope that I'll clear a few things away.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #51

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My First Annual Stash Budget Accounting
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #50
Stitching Progress: Here are the photos ... not much accomplished on this front, either.
Workbasket's Quaker Santa. Still plugging along nicely, I have reached the point at which I'll be adding the white for beard, hair and hat trim ... I'll probably use Belle Soie Icing ... it'll depend on whether it shows up as having a blue or a yellow undertone to the white when I lay the floss against what I have stitched so far in Cranberry. As I remember the color, it's a fairly true white with slight blue undertones ... but I have yet to pull it from my stash and lay it beside the Cranberry. I haven't decided whether I'll use a gold or black silk for the buckle and buttons or just leave both unstitched. Again, a floss toss will determine that. I am guessing this little darling will just barely make it to the tree for Christmas ... considering I still have to stitch a monogrammed and labelled back as well. The November Angel will be post-Christmas stitching but will make it onto the tree before I take it down on Little Christmas/Epiphany/January 6. That's a promise I have made to myself!
Town Square SAL: Wild Hearts Design's Fire Station. I had intended to use all these Town Square pieces to make a quilt, but as I go ahead with each project, I am finding that the different designers did not conform to the same scale. The jail, saloon, train depot and town clock will look all right together ... but this fire station piece is turning out to be ornament sized when stitched on 28ct like all the others ... I'll finish it up as charted and use it as an ornament ... but then I'll have to rechart it to fit the scale of all the other pieces. I left my John James Petite needle in place to give you a sense of the scale. I am kicking myself for not seeing this before I started stitching ... after all, the stitch count on the doors of the station as compared to all the other pieces should have clued me in immediately. As I have explained many times on this blog, I have little or no spatial intelligence ... I am all good on the verbal/linguistic and logical/mathmetical intelligences ... but spatial issues will always have to be worked out in real space before I even see the problem. But at least I have discovered a touchstone I can use before starting any other chart ... check out the size of the door as compared to the doors of the finished pieces before starting on a new piece as charted ... and make any adjustments needed before picking up a needle. See, that's the logical/mathmetical intelligence kicking in now that I've been hit over the head with a spatial problem. The solution will be simple: when recharting, I'll make the fire station [garage type] doors twice the height of the train depot door [normal house type] and then use a simple ratio equation to work out the proper width, comparing the height/width of the doors on original fire station chart with the height of the door on the adjusted chart to determine the new width.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Perfect Palette
Friday, December 17, 2010
My 15 for the Crazy January Challenge
1. For my Town Square SAL: Knotted Tree Needle Art's Post Office
2. " " " " " La-D-Da's School House
3. " " " " " WDW's Town Hall
4. " " " " " The Trilogy's Church
5. Sue Hillis' Cookie Baking Santa
6. Homespun Elegance's The Stitcher
7. Barrick Sampler's The Gilded Cage
8. Workbasket's Quaker Squirrel
9. Workbasket's Quaker Bear
10. Workbasket's Quaker Owl
11. Homespun Elegance's Witches Stitch
12. Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie
13. Alexandra Adelaide's Zucca
14. Teresa Wentzlr's Tracery Dragons
15. Dragon Dream's The Ice Dragon's Kingdom
Six of these projects will require framing finishes ... a real difference from 2010's stitching with no framing finishes whatsoever ... I'd best start saving my pennies.
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010
2010 Giveaway Summary
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #49

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Gifts
Friday, December 10, 2010
December Giveaway Winner
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #48
I finished the empty panel on the round robin ... but a photo of the whole piece ... with all the lovely contributions from the other stitchers ... will just have to wait till daylight. The piece is so large that using my Ott lamp as I usually do with my photos just doesn't light up the whole project

Saturday, December 4, 2010
December Giveaway

-- open to all stitchers
-- leave a comment below as to why you are interested in the giveaway
-- include an e-mail address in your post if clicking on your name will not lead me to an e-mail link
-- a winner will be selected on the 10th of the month and informed by e-mail
-- winners are asked to commit to PIF charts to other stitchers through message boards, guilds or stitching groups or to donate the charts to a women's shelter or prison, a nursing home or some other venue where a stitcher would enjoy them.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Crazy Making
***Sue Hillis' Cookie Santa
And two more definite must-stitches, just because I love them and have been itching to start these:
***Homespun Elegance's The Stitcher
***Barrick Sampler's The Gilded Cage
Next up, The Workbasket Quaker Animals I am stitching and collecting for a quilt.
***the Squirrel from Quaker Acorn and Squirrel leaflet
***the Bear from the Polar Quakers leaflet
***the Owl from the Quaker Halloweens leaflet
That makes 10 for certain. Now things get a bit more problematic. Lots of great choices but only five more slots.
So, moving on, some Halloween/Fall pieces. I'll need to choose three of these:
Alexandra Adelaide's Zucca
Ink Circles' Celtic Beasties: Halloween or Knot
The Cricket Collection's The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy
The Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie
Hands To Work's Harvest Blooms
La-D-Da's Something Wicked
Homespun Elegance's Witches Stitch, Too
And I'll want to choose two of the following dragon charts.
Teresa Wentzler's Tracery Dragons
Dragon Dreams' Dragon of the Winter Moon
Dragon Dreams' A Dragon's Tea Party
Dragon Dreams' Dragon of the Summer Sky
Dragon Dreams' The Ice Dragon's Kingdom
Dragon Dreams' Here Be Dragons
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Assessing Nov Goals, Setting Dec Goals
Monday, November 29, 2010
The trouble with four day weekends ...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #47
FROGGING, FROGGING, FROGGING last week's so called progress so I can restart the Workbasket's Quaker Santa and Quaker Sampler ... with nothing much to show for it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Return to the Crazy Quilt Project

Friday, November 26, 2010
Stitching Meme
1. What are you stitching at the moment? Right now I am working on a Pilgrim man Thanksgiving ornament. I excerpted the chart from CEC Thanksgiving Circle. Within the past two days, I finished the Pilgrim woman and the Indian brave from the same leaflet ... I'll do the finish assembly sometime during the holiday weekend ... and add them to my Thanksgiving tree which I will leave up till Dec. 15 when I switch everything over to Christmas ornaments.
2. How many finishes have you had this year? Small? Medium? Large? Extra Large? I have stitched 34 smalls this year, mostly ornaments but a few pin cushions, tuck-aways, scissor cases as well. And eleven medium pieces, five of which were for a round robin in which I participated. Two large pieces: the village scene from the PS Harvest Time leaflet and the Mermaids Singing by Workbasket. But no extra large: I have been working on a BAP, TW's Autumn Faerie, but that still has a ways to go.
3. Do you think you will finish any more in the next month and a half before the end of the year? Sure: I know I will finish two more Christmas ornaments for the Bride's Tree SAL and one more piece for the Town Square SAL [probably the Town Hall or the Schoolhouse]. I hope to finish my current BAP as well, TW's Autumn Faerie.
4. If you could buy 1 thing for yourself what would it be? (Doesn't have to be stitching). We need a new mattress and boxspring ... badly. We will try to hold out for the January sales but a good night's sleep is a priority and if a good sale comes along between now and then, we'll go for it.
5. What is the best thing you have ever stitched? I'd have to go with any one of the large Teresa Wentzler pieces I have done: The Spring Faerie and The Lily of the Valley Faerie.
6. Do you like making lists? Always, it's what I do.
7. Do you stitch in rotation (how does it work?) or OAAT? In rotation. I have five different projects of varying size and complexity in my current stitching bag.
8. What is the next thing you plan to stitch? After I frog out my error and remount the piece on scroll rods, Workbasket's Quaker Sampler.
9. What is your fave ONS? And why? There are actually two that I love: 123stitch for it's speedy delivery and fairly broad range of goods AND Stitchery Row, a brick and mortar in Endicott NY that has an on-line presence, these guys are phenomenal when it comes to getting the hard-to-find item and their turn around is even speedier than 123stitch.
10. Do you have a stitching chair? The straight-back wooden chair in my living room.
11. Do your children/pets get into your stitching things? No, not lately. My children are grown and no longer live at home. My beloved Jackal died several years ago and I will not be getting another pet till I can retire and devote the proper attention and time to a four-footed companion. Once upon a time, I had to defend all my sewing and embroidery scissors with a flaming sword ... my kids [and even my husband] didn't get the fact that they were not to be used on paper or plastic, ever! But that is no longer an issue with the kids gone and my husband finally trained ... or maybe he's just gotten sneakier and hasn't been caught misbehaving with scissors lately.
12. Do you participate in any stitching forums? Ever so often, I put in my two cents on the 123stitch board.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
WIP Photos

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
It's back
Monday, November 22, 2010
DMC Deleted Colors
731, recommended substitution: 732
776, recommended substitution: 3326
781, recommended substitution: 782
806, recommended substitution: 3760
971, recommended substitution: 740
3373, recommended substitution: 407
Also, in keeping with yesterday's decision to refrain from serious stitching till my concentration returns, all I did this morning was finish up my Halloween Greetings piece by adding two more crowns to fill in the empty spaces left when I deleted the words and date. Since I am using the piece to make a knitting bag for one of my sisters ... and not the Halloween ornament as charted, it seemed a more sensible choice. I
never did get how sheep were a Halloween-ish motif in the first place, but that's beside the point. Then I kitted up my Cross-Eyed Cricket Thanksgiving Circle. I cut a 7" wide swath of 36ct Silkweaver Shadowlands linen on which I will stitch the Indian and the Pilgrim Man and Woman as individual ornaments using the recommended DMC floss. Once I have stitched all three, I will finish them as padded board ornaments. I actually started the Indian this morning and am about 2/3 of the way done. These could actually be done in time to put up on the Thanksgiving ornament tree in my entryway. Who am I kidding? Next year maybe!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Weekend Progress Report #46
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Light Stitching Day
Friday, November 19, 2010
And, now, the photos