I am afraid my Finishing Frenzy has devolved into a Finishing Fizzle lately ... I close my eyes as I navigate between the loaded dining room table and the ironing board ... at present, I need to stitch, as in embroider rather than sew ... and while I did get a lot of satisfaction from all the sewing finishes in July [21 of them] ... it ate up a lot of my stitching time. I will get back to it soon because I am determined to keep the eyesore of a sewing station in place until I am quite caught up ... after all, the end result is most desirable ... more stitched objects with which to decorate my home or to give to others. But for now, I'd rather ply my needle than work my sewing machine. Maybe, I'll work on a finish or two during the weekend.
In any case, here are photos of some of the last objects finished in July:
Liz Turner Diehl Autumn Acorns, finished as a Bell Pull ... this was a lot of fun ... all the specialty stitches in the rich Madeira floss ... the beading made perfect tops to the acorns and the pull finials picked up the motif. I am really going to enjoy displaying this piece in the Fall.
The whole:
And, some details:

Your finishes are gorgeous! The fall sampler is just stunning!
My finishing frenzy lost a bit of steam too, mostly because I couldn't figure out to tie a ribbon to match how it was in my mind, but I'm still trying to get things done.
Thank you so much for stitching a design from Stitching the Night Away and sharing your finishes! :)
Would you mind if I added your finish to our gallery?
(Stitching the Night Away)
The LTD bellpull is gorgeous!
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