Back in March 2011 and 2012, I sponsored a stitching limerick contest. I had intended to make it an annual event but somehow dropped the ball in 2013. But i picked it up again in 2014. And here it is, March 2015, and time for another round. For educators, March is the longest month of the year, no holidays or long weekend breaks, the kids are bored to tears with school and longing for the summer, discipline problems arise, exams loom ... well, you get the idea. So, in March, I tend to find or make up reasons to play. So, let's all have a some fun and exercise our little grey cells as Hercule Poirot would say. Writing a proper limerick is a disciplined exercise so to make it worthy of your effort, I am offering a $20 gift certificate to 123stitch as the prize for the winning entry.
Remember, limericks are defined by Google as a humorous verse form of 5 anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme aabba i.e., they have a definite pattern:
10 syllables/beats to the first line,
7 syllables/beats to the second line,
6 syllables/beats to third and fourth lines,
9 syllables/beats to the fifth line.
The rhyme pattern: lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme; lines 3 and 4 rhyme.
Any entry not meeting these very exacting standards will be disqualified.
Here's my 2011 limerick:
There once was a stitcher named Riona,
Who used up all of her toner,
Printing freebies galore
Till she had so much more
Than anyone ought to be owner!
And here's my 2012 version:
There once was a stitcher named Riona,
Who, when you tried to phone her,
All your calls she'd ignore
As she stitched more and more.
Her friends thought this flaw a real groaner!
And my 2014 version:
There once was a English Band Sampler,
Stretched on a stand with a clamper.
The stitcher who owned it
Had diligently sewn it
Till she was one happy camper.
And now for my 2015 effort. I confess I had to resort to an internal rhyme for lines three and four to make it work.
There once was a stitcher who loved dragons
And tea consumed by the flagons.
She combined these two loves
Armed with needles and mugs,
Stitching till all done were the dragons..
All you need do is write your limerick in the comments and I will choose a winner on March 28