Monday, April 11, 2011

Come On Down ...

We are doing this a day later than usual since the Weekend Progress Report fell on 4/10/11. Besides, I posted the giveaway a day late so why not post the winner a day late as well! Anyway, using the on-line Research Randomizer, the winner of the April Giveaway is #1, Beanstitcher aka Linda, who chose the prize behind door #1 . No need to contact Linda for a snail mail address since she is already a long-time cyber stitching buddy who organized both a round robin and an ornament exchange in which I participated. There's even a chance I'll get the package to the post office within the week, but my track record hasn't been all that great these past two months. I barely got the March giveaway mailed before selecting the winner of the April giveaway.

I find it very interesting what people select and why they do so. The break down of the various contestants went like this

Door # 1 chosen by five, mostly because of the Workbasket Quaker Santa chart

Door #2 chosen by three, who liked the fabric and the fact that it is a small project

Door #3 chosen by two who clearly like to do their own finishing, one of whom was an Australian who noted that themed fabric is hard to come by Down Under. Note to self: Everytime I am tempted to rail against the ultra-materialistic consumerism rampant in the USA, I shall remind myself that one small side benefit of this sad and sorry philosophy is the wide variety of goods and products I tend to take for granted. It might be wise to be careful what I wish for! A simpler life would definitely have fewer purchasing choices. Perhaps I am not as spiritually grounded as I think I am. Something to think about in the wee small hours of the night!

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