Saturday, July 16, 2016

JCS/SANQ Revisited

Back on April 19th, I wrote a post about how poorly JCS was keeping its pledge to include SANQ quality charts and articles.  Since that time, I have received the last issue of the arbitrarily substituted JCS subscription and have had my cynicism confirmed.

Even by JCS standards, the August issue is fluff.  The majority of the designs are so simple they represent the stitching equivalent of a beach read.

The issue also lowers the percentage of SANQ like articles  and charts considerably.

SANQ-type charts  Total: 4:
 February - June: 3
August: 1 very disappointing entry, pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel/

SANQ-type articles Total: 1
February - June: 1
August: 0         
Contemporary/conventional charts [landscapes/ florals, samplers] Total: 26
 February- June: 23
August: 3

Trendy or seasonal charts Total:31
 February - June: 13 
August: 18 [includes the 10 ornamemt Christmas preview]

Hardanger Total:  4
 February - June: 3

Redwork or other specialty embroidery charts Total: 3
 February - June: 3 
August 0
Primitive Total: 2
 February - June: 1
August: 1  
Juvenile themed charts Total: 7
February - June: 5 
August: 2

Articles about designers, new products, etc. Total: 7
February - June: 5
August: 2

To recalculate: from my POV, only 5% of the charts and 12% of the articles are of interest.  

So the publishers, in failing to keep their commitment, have done little more than give the lie to the very title of the magazine, JUST Cross Stitch.  It might as well be called Slapdash Pastiche  Vaguely Resembling A Magazine.

But on a more positive note: my subscription having played out, this will be the last of my JCS/SANQ rants.


Maggee said...

I find there isn't much that interests me in the magazines also... tho my interests are varied from yours. BUT--I have plenty of charts in my stash... gee whiz!! I could stitch a whole lot more years, if God blesses me! Hugs!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is such a shame. They really haven't tried at all. I'm actually thinking of switching to the digital subscription which is MUCH cheaper because of the postage I pay.

I think I recommended Nicola's blog to you for interesting stitching articles? Have you had a chance to check it out?

Rita said...

I agree with you about not finding SANQ-like samplers or articles in JCS like they promised. Disappointing to say the least.

Stitchinowl said...

I also let my JCS subscription lapse last year. I miss SANQ because I loved reading about the samplers even if I didn't always stitch them. JCS is turning into "same old, tired patterns" with the exception of the Hands On Designs seasonal chalkboard patterns in this year's issues.