Thursday, July 14, 2016

Two Finishes and a WIP

Here is the long overdue photo of Witches Hollow ...

And one of the recently finished CEC Pumpkin Conspiracy ...

And, finally, one of my current WIP, Hands To Work Design's Harvest Blooms.


Maggee said...

Wow--that's a lot of stopping and starting to finish Witches Hollow... I bet you are glad to be done! I see you are ready for autumn! Me too! Thanks for sharing!

CathieJ said...

Wow, you are really in the Autumn mode. I love all of these finishes. They are very pretty.

CalamityJr said...

You certainly have been busy. Lovely finishes all; I especially like Harvest Blooms.

Cynthia said...

Regina, great finishes. Someone posted on 123 that they are looking to purchase Witches Hollow. Would you be interested in selling your chart? Here's the link to the message...

Hope you are doing well.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I was only thinking about you this morning! I can see you've been busy preparing for Autumn. Congratulations on the Happy Dances too.

Stitchinowl said...

You have been busy! The Pumpkin Conspirary piece is particularly interesting.