BAP: Continue to work on TW's Tracery Dragons on the designated Wentzler Wednesdays. I am taking a vacation from this piece. When I started to work on page 1, I found myself miscounting, frogging, miscounting, frogging, over and over. I need a break from this one.
Crazy January Challenge: Continue working on Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie. Now, this piece has been more of a success. I have finished the first block and am working on the second block. It's an interesting design, a touch morbid, which works for the Halloween season. But the actual stitching is blessedly straight-forward: not a fractional stitch or blended needle to be found.
Ornament: Finish Aury's 2o11 Quaker Heart. DONE.
Sewing & Finishing: the four LHN pillows & two HE pin cushions and finish the mini-pillow for Sept. giveaway. Well, I finished two pin pillows, four Town Square SAL ornaments and a patriotic ornament, as well as prepping the padded boards for four floss tags. That's a goodly amount of finishing even if the only on-goal finish was the September giveaway pin pillow.
Surface Embroidery: finish The Fertile Circles Needlebook. I haven't gotten to this yet again this month.
WIPS & UFOS from 2010: Continue work on Workbasket's Quaker Sampler, the Jacobean Elegance afghan, and the Beach Find Pansies panel. Completed three motifs and six more letters on the Quaker Sampler.
WIP 2011: Continue work on The Sturbridge Box. Nothing doing this month.
WIP 2011: Continue work on The Sturbridge Box. Nothing doing this month.
Off-goal Stitching: Started Prairie Grove Peddler Lighthouse Candle Mat as well as continued work on my needlepoint Owl sampler and started and finished Goode Huswife's complimentary chart Friendship Sampler.
NOVEMBER GOALS: This month I am going to try to resist the temptation of off-goal starts and simply concentrate on what I have in progress at this time. I need to really concentrate on what I have in hand if I am going to have a chance in hell to finish up my Crazy January projects.
BAP: Maybe, by the end of the month, I'll be ready to pick up TW's Tracery Dragons again. I really do need a break from this rather complex piece.
Crazy January Challenge: Continue Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie.
Needlepoint Project: Owl Sampler. Finish this piece and make into a pillow.
Needlepoint Project: Owl Sampler. Finish this piece and make into a pillow.
Sewing & Finishing: the four LHN pillows & two HE pin cushions.
Surface Embroidery: finish The Fertile Circles Needlebook
WIPS & UFOS from 2010: Continue work on Workbasket's Quaker Sampler, the Jacobean Elegance afghan, and the Beach Find Pansies panel.
Surface Embroidery: finish The Fertile Circles Needlebook
WIPS & UFOS from 2010: Continue work on Workbasket's Quaker Sampler, the Jacobean Elegance afghan, and the Beach Find Pansies panel.
WIP 2011: Continue work on The Sturbridge Box and Prairie Grove Peddler Lighthouse Candle Mat.
Just a note: The need to de-clutter and to organize has me really concentrating on finishing pieces. I have a number of sewing finishes I'd like to get to this month, mostly seasonal pillows. And, this month I want to work on learning to frame pieces myself ... I just can't tolerate laundry baskets filled with stitched pieces carefully rolled in tubes awaiting framing. Oh, a few pieces that are clearly worthy of the investment will still go to a professional framer once I can find one I can trust not to glue and staple my precious stitched objets d'art! But I want to try my hand at framing the more whimsical seasonal decor pieces. This will mean a trip to Michael's for archival board, mattes and frames. I'll have to spend a bit of time working ona list of measurements. That will leave only the pieces I am accumulateing for quilts and wall hangings ... which I will then store flat in archival bozes in a drawer in my craft center. I need to reorganize the craft center [aka, the boys old dresser and secretary topper] as part of the overall make-over of the boys old room into my craft room. I am trying to give equal attention to my daughter's old room's conversion to my husband's den. It keeps me busy.