Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good News/Bad News

First, the Good News
I managed to stitch a bit more on my April goals today:
-- an hour on the Breast Cancer Robbon Angel ornament: I probably have another three solid hours of stitching to complete this project and another hour to "finish" it
-- another 3/4s of an hour on The Sweetheart Tree's Holly and Heart Sampler during my lunch hour
And now for the Bad News
No sooner do I get back into the rhythm of blogging again, then my husband manages to loss access to the internet on our home computer while downloading an update to our firewall which in turn automatically downloaded the most current version of the Explorer browser [or so he claims] which apparently is not completely compatible with our server, optimum online. He has spent the past two evenings alternately cursing at the computer and disclaiming all responsibility for the problem. What is it about men? They all seem to think that merely possessing a Y chromosome qualifies them to do anything "technical" or "mechanical" ... regardless of background, training or native ability. Women seem to have a better sense of their abilities and of their limitations. In any case, we have called in our own private geek squad [my youngest son] who will try to undo the damage his Dad has done on Saturday afternoon. I hope he succeeds. If not, I will be unable to access the internet until the end of Easter Break on Monday, April 20 since I will be closing the Office of Religious Education at 3pm this afternoon.
In any case, I will continue to stitch and photograph my finishes and WIPs so that when I am finally back on-line, I'll have plenty to post.

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