Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Then and Now: Workbasket's Quaker Squirrel

I am still concentrating on the WIP list that I compiled in October.  Once I have pared the number down below 10, I'll add a few more UFOs and perhaps one new start to keep things interesting.  I may as well take advantage of the momentum I am gaining now that the weather has turned cooler and I am spending more time indoors,.

I hope to be able to cross the Quaker Squirrel off the list by the weekend but for now I'll just show a when last seen photo and a current progress photo.

Since I consider this project one of my active WIPs, I was stunned to realize when I checked the blog archive that I haven't worked on it since July.  This is what it looks like after a day's stitching.

I have been mulling over what will be my next new start" either Workbasket's Quaker Bear or Sleepy Hollow.  The former would work up rather quickly but I am itching to stitch the later ever since I saw rspory's finish on her blog.  Enablers lurk everywhere on the internet.  The matter will be decided by what fabrics and floss I have in stash that might work for either project.


Julie said...

A great project for autumnal days, I do love to watch the squirrels in my garden, they are grey though not like your beautiful redish one.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice progress on the squirrel.
I looked at the Sleepy Hollow finish, it's a gorgeous colour fabric she has used. Not one I would have thought of for Hallowe'en stitching but it looks good. Is the design stitched in panels? It looked like it from her photos.

Anna van Schurman said...

Great progress on the squirrel!