I didn't receive the Tokens and Trifles cards in the mail yet so my plan to work on my scissor keep exchange was derailed. Instead I continued to work on The English Band Sampler and put in an hour or two back stitching my own design for a bookmark, Riona's Book Nook. Here are a few photos.

On the left is Part I of The English Band Sampler with the Rosebud motif completed ... I am thinking of putting the intitial R stitched over one in the darker green in the open space in the center. And on the right is Riona's Book Nook bookmark. I still need to stitch the geode beneath the slanting books on the second shelf and fill in the spider plant on the top shelf and finish the back stitching. Once that is done, I will finish it by backing it with some very soft flannel cut from an old bed sheet and fringe the edges ... my usual way of finishing off a bookmark.
And, now to assess my April Goals: It is fairly obvious that I spent more time on my garden than on my stitching this month. The unseasonably warm weather in early April threw me off track and I remained off track for the entire month!
2010-11 WIPs: Stitch Block 3 of Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie. NOT AT ALL.
2010-2011 WIPs: Stitch four blocks on Jacobean Elegance Afghan. NOT AT ALL.
2012 New Start: Start work on TW's Woodland Angel Stocking for Liam. NO, but I did manage to pull the fabric and what DMC I had and make a list of what I need.
2012 Start: Kit up and start the next Town Square SAL ornament: The Primitive Shop. NOT AT ALL.
Class Project Challenge: Finish Phyllis Mauer's Japanese Kogin Tea Cozy. Progress was made but it is not yet finished.
Sewing and Assembly Finishing: Two pillows. NOT AT ALL.
TSS Scissor Keep Exchange: Stitch scissor keep and fob. Still waiting for my Tokens and Trifles cards.
Off goal stitching: One hopes that there won't be anything in this category by the end of April. What with the Woodland Angel, The Primitive Shop and the scissor keep for my TSS exchange, my appetite for new starts should have been satisfied. Well this didn't go as planned. Once I received the fabric for SANQ's Part I of The English Band Sampler, I simply had to get started on it. Now, all I have left to do on Part I are the queen stitched strawberries and the motto line in the alphabet section. I am hoping to chart my chosen motto today and start stitching it. I am like a child, saving the best [queen stitches] for last.
MAY GOALS: I have to do some serious retrenching this month. As the weather warms, I can't help but hear the siren call of garden, patio and park. Then, too, there are First Communions, Confirmations, Registration for Sept. 2012 and final exams/progress reports for 2011-12 to manage this month. June and July are much easier months professionally, so I expect to get back up to speed then.
2010-11 WIPs: Stitch Block 3 of Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie.
2012 New Start: Order the remaining floss and start work on TW's Woodland Angel Stocking for Liam. I hope to have the Name Band and Borders stitched by the end of the month.
2012 WIP: Finish stitching SANQ's Part I of The English Band Sampler.
Class Project Challenge: Continue work on Phyllis Mauer's Japanese Kogin Tea Cozy.
HOE Project: Stitch a Christmas Bird ornament.
TSS Scissor Keep Exchange: Stitch scissor keep and fob & mail by early May.