As last seen, my Dragon looked like this
... but it is now fleshed out so much further

As last seen, my Dragon looked like this
... but it is now fleshed out so much further
Even though temps are supposed to rise to the low 50s today, I made myself my favorite winter comfort food. Steel cut oats [2/3 cups] cooked with 1 cup skim milk and 1 cup water as well as 15 raisins [portion control is a Type II diabetic's friend] and then sprinkled with cinnamon. I have a special double-bottomed saucepan [bought at the Virginia State Fair nearly a decade ago] that I use just for oatmeal ... and the occasional poached egg ... one of my many culinary quirks. Technically, it is still winter and I am still not feeling well although I'll be going into work ... so, oatmeal seemed an appropriate breakfast choice. Yesterday, I existed on several mugs of chicken broth, sipped slowly, alternating with mugs of green tea sweetened lightly with agave nectar ... so I was craving something a bit more substantial to start my day today.
I honestly thought this would be my most popular giveaway ever but, at 22 entries, it fails to match the number of entries for last September's Halloween Chart Giveaway which had 32 entries. I suppose the fact that I didn't advertise the giveaway on the 123stitch mb as usual had something to do with it. But I really wanted this giveaway to be a token of my appreciation for my regular visitors, the ones that come on their own and don't visit only when lured by promises of a prize.
Using my usual on-line Randomizer, I came up with Hillery's and Carol's numbers ... I would have loved to gift all those who visit frequently and share my love of stitching ... but these two lovely ladies shall have to represent you all. I'll be e-mailing these ladies later today.
And just an aside to Nancy of Glory Bee: because of all the snow and ice [with my consequent fear of falling, having broken bones in icy weather before] and because of being sick for a full week, the January Giveaway is only getting mailed this week.
The most frequent responses involved photos: more of them, larger photos, adding slideshows, etc. Now, I thought I used a lot of photos but that appears to be a minority opinion. So I shall try to add more in future. As to the size of the photos, I have always used the small size [gotta leave room for my golden prose] but they are clickable if you want the larger version. However, I will start using the medium size every so often, especially for finishes. As for a slide show: that's something I have really wanted to try for ages now. Maybe this will be the year!
Sewing finishes: I did a bit of assembly-line ornament finishing Friday as part of my Finish-It February program. My husband insists that I give him credit for all his help, so here goes: thank you, Bill for holding the end of some floss for all of thirty seconds [albeit, the process was repeated three times] while I, at the other end, used my hand drill to make twisted cord. Yeah, I think that about covers his contribution. But, seriously, he is very patient with my stitching obsession. Only last evening, he murmered in a slightly bewildered tone, " I think you'd do that 18 hours a day if you could." Well, almost ... but even I have to allow time for bathing, eating, reading, exercising, working, housekeeping ... preferbly in that order.
Third, Wild Heart's Designs' Fire Station [for the Indy 2006 Town Square SAL]. This was my December 2010 piece for the SAL, the stitching finished up in January and the assembly/sewing finish in February. I really do know how to drag a small project out!
Crazy January Challenge, Day 2 Project: Dragon Dreams' The Ice Dragon's Kingdom . Got a bit more of the border done ... not the most exciting part of the project, to be sure ... but I enjoy watching the piece take shape in my hands. I am stitching a bit of the picture that overlaps the border ... it helps to keep my count accurate and to avoid the disappointment of stitching areas that don't meet up properly. Rachel, with whom I am doing a very casual SAL on this piece, chose a different route ... starting dead center and working outward.
All in all, a very satisfying and productive stitching week ... my Crazy January Challenge, Day 1 Project finish may be seen on the Feb. 3 [Thursday] post ... and that project was the sole focus through the early part of the week.
Imagine a flourish of trumpets for this, my first Crazy January Challenge finish of the month:
Sue Hillis' Cookie Baking Santa: admittedly, not the best photo I have taken but we must make allowances for an aging camera.
... note the optimism, I am implying there will be at least one more Crazy January finish this month. I'll begin working on the Crazy Challenge Day 2 project, Dragon Dreams' The Ice Dragon's Kingdom, tomorrow though I am still lacking one of the Anchor Marlitt flossesneeded for the body of the dragon. I expect I shall have to substitute a similar shade of DMC Satin [rayon] floss but I will cross that bridge [or should I say, stitch] when I get to it. The piece is not quite a BAP, though moderately large and involving the use of the rather unwieldy rayon floss, so it should take the whole month. But it is followed in the queue by two medium sized Homespun Elegance pieces that ought to work up very quickly, The Stitcher and Witches Stitch, Too. I set up my list knowing I'd tackle the projects in chronological order and I tried to mix it up a bit as to size and complexity.